Adult Lessons
Pro Dance is focused in offering quality for any age.
The lessons are going to be fun and work! Adults will have a chance to fulfill their dancing dreams.
Mr. Ciprian Stãnulescu is teaching all the Adult Ballet and the Conditioning lessons for any adult interested in getting more strength and flexibility.
All lessons have limited number of spots in order to ensure quality.
“The main thing is dancing, and before it withers away from my body, I will keep dancing till the last moment, the last drop.”
Rudolf Nureyev (Russian Ballet Dancer – 1938-1993)
Pro Dance’s goal is that all adults who love to dance to be given quality dance lessons maintaining the safety of their bodies avoiding injuries. Each movement is taught with demonstrations by the ballet master and the dancers will be introduced into the bio-mechanics and anatomy.
In this level all the new students will be taught the placement of the body, music theory (in order to develop the musicality), stretch and strength throughout the floor exercises.
The lessons will continue with two hands at the barre and later with one hand). The position of the feet and of the hands will be explained and used in all the exercises. Simple combinations at the centre and some character and historical steps will be introduced and the jumps will end up the lessons.
Everything was taught in the beginner level will be reviewed and will be introduced tours in the barre combinations. The Jumps are going to be more difficult and demi-pointe at the barre will be introduced. The Port de bras are getting more difficult. At the centre will start preparation for tours from 2nd and 4th position of the feet.
In this level the students are required to develop more stability at the centre and tours from 4th and 5th position will take a major place. All the exercise are getting more difficult and the grand Allegros will be taught.
“Dance is not an exercise. Dance is an art.”
Alicia Alonso (Cuban Ballet Dancer – 1921-2019)
Professional Adults Classes
They are designed for all the professional dancers and include Pointes Technique. In this level all the dancers are required to demonstrate professional knowledge of dancing.
Conditioning Classes
They are for both categories of adults and are strongly recommended for anyone who want to work more on turn-out and body strength & stretch.
In this classes, all the dancers will get an intensive floor work in which the turn-out combinations will help them to get more stability in centre work. The stretch combinations will also be very intense.